
Domestic distribution, the cornerstone of ArtAffects, gives a movie power and recognition in the marketplace. Linking art and commerce, a U.S. theatrical release is a springboard to the world stage and a key activator to enhancing subsequent revenue streams.


ArtAffects founders and seasoned executives Daniel and Margo Lange have a passion for the movie business and a respect for its influence on culture. With a distinguishing mission and clear vision, ArtAffects provides a reliable brand of wholesome entertainment to movie-going audiences across the country.


Partnering with like-minded film producers and financiers, we work together from script to screen and beyond to create and distribute a flow of captivating quality movies that touch the hearts and open the minds of a global audience.


ArtAffects has an established presence in the theatrical marketplace. Trusted relationships with national chains, regional circuits, and independent exhibitors have been earned through the release of hundreds of movies over many years.
